James Fanson: The press sets up in front of the Curiosity rover mockup.
James Fanson: The press sets up in front of the Curiosity rover mockup.
James Fanson: The Mall in front of the JPL HQ building.
James Fanson: The fountain on the JPL Mall.
James Fanson: The JPL HQ building and the Space Flight Operations Facility.
James Fanson: Outside Spaceflight Operations Facility where MSL is controlled.
James Fanson: Outside Spaceflight Operations Facility where MSL is controlled.
James Fanson: Outside Spaceflight Operations Facility where MSL is controlled.
James Fanson: Food services workers outside JPL cafeteria.
James Fanson: The gift shop set up on the Mall.
James Fanson: MSL Project Manager Pete Theisinger prior to landing.
James Fanson: NASA GSFC Director Chris Scolese and JPL Chief Engineer Brian Muirhead.
James Fanson: More press reporting from the JPL Mall.
James Fanson: Guest operating X-box Curiosity EDL game.
James Fanson: Deputy commander of Fort Irwin.
James Fanson: Director for Astronomy, Physics and Space Technology Dave Gallagher kicks off the night's entertainment.
James Fanson: The view from Bldg. 180-101 conference room.
James Fanson: Mars Program scientist Deborah Bass explains the choice of landing site.
James Fanson: Many of the guests in this venue were international partners.
James Fanson: JPL Director Charles Elachi greets the guests.
James Fanson: Elachi give the audience the context for the landing.
James Fanson: Caltech President Jean-Lou Chameau addresses the audience.
James Fanson: Caltech President Jean-Lou Chameau addresses the audience.
James Fanson: Government and Industry guests.
James Fanson: The Press Tent on the JPL Mall.
James Fanson: The Curiosity Rover mockup.
James Fanson: The Curiosity Rover mockup.
James Fanson: The Curiosity Rover mockup.
James Fanson: The Curiosity Rover mockup.
James Fanson: The Curiosity Rover mockup.