flyingpigsc: Raleigh
flyingpigsc: Raleigh the Border Collie
flyingpigsc: Raleigh sporting his new bandana
flyingpigsc: Raleigh with Beaver in the background
flyingpigsc: All three boys--Ensign, Beaver in the back and Raleigh
flyingpigsc: Raleigh
flyingpigsc: Raleigh and Beaver were exhausted from their trip to the groomers
flyingpigsc: Raleigh fresh from the groomers
flyingpigsc: Raleigh standing guard
flyingpigsc: Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver
flyingpigsc: Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver
flyingpigsc: Ensign--the old man
flyingpigsc: California here I come!
flyingpigsc: Ollie going for a ride in the bus
flyingpigsc: Makes working a bit difficult