atruwcdx: Delta Police Pipe Band Robbie Burns Supper(s), 2012
atruwcdx: The haggis is escorted into the hall
atruwcdx: The address to the Haggis, prior to its demise
atruwcdx: Piper Everett McKenzie does the dirty deed
atruwcdx: Saturday night's haggis is borne in with due ceremony
atruwcdx: Piper Gregor Hall is the Saturday night toaster
atruwcdx: Address to the Haggis
atruwcdx: His murderous attack ensures that everyone is aware that it is well and truly dead
atruwcdx: Highland dance groups
atruwcdx: RB010
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atruwcdx: Chief Constable Jim Cessford announces Mayor Lois Jackson as the person to be given the Toast to The Chief
atruwcdx: Pipe Major John Ralston announces the Band members receiving the annual Pipe Major's Awards for outstanding work
atruwcdx: The three recipients with Drum Major Moe Coll
atruwcdx: And now, the entertainment
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atruwcdx: The Deltones serenade with Flower of Scotland
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atruwcdx: Master Piper Alan Walters provides a solo performance of his expertise
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