DOD's Photography: Thailand, 2007
DOD's Photography: Shaun Martin- abdulmajihd - 24
DOD's Photography: David McQueen - Beefmaster -23
DOD's Photography: meri- good big dog - 24
DOD's Photography: Meridith Simms, Paynes Ford - New Zealand2
DOD's Photography: Silver hands*** (19) Nowra, Winter 2008
DOD's Photography: Jesse Lomas, Don't Believe the Tripe - 29
DOD's Photography: Jesse Lomas, Messenger in Red 26/7, the freezer, Spring 2007
DOD's Photography: Killer Loop*** (24) Nowra, WInter 2008
DOD's Photography: Super Mickey (7b) Ceuse, Europe 2008
DOD's Photography: Mirage (7c+) Ceuse, Europe 2008
DOD's Photography: K2 (V2) Bonnet Bay, Summer 08
DOD's Photography: Point Perpendicular, Summer 08/09
DOD's Photography: Landlubber (17) Point Perpendicular, Summer 08/09