JorunT: IMG_20181228_180636.jpg
JorunT: PC282250.jpg View from our hotel
JorunT: PC282252.jpg Wide angle view
JorunT: IMG_20181228_203624.jpg Concert in Las Palmas
JorunT: PC292253.jpg Gáldar
JorunT: PC292254.jpg Triple safe
JorunT: PC292255.jpg Street view of Gáldar
JorunT: PC292256.jpg Street view of Gáldar
JorunT: PC292259.jpg Gáldar
JorunT: PC292260.jpg Street view of Gáldar
JorunT: PC292261.jpg Galdar
JorunT: PC292262.jpg Painted cave Museum Gáldar
JorunT: PC292267.jpg Painted cave Museum Gáldar
JorunT: PC292273.jpg Painted cave Museum Gáldar
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JorunT: PC292278.jpg Painted cave Museum Gáldar
JorunT: PC292283.jpg Painted cave Museum Gáldar
JorunT: PC292285.jpg Painted cave Museum Gáldar
JorunT: PC292287.jpg View through the screen at the Painted cave Museum Gáldar
JorunT: PC292290.jpg Gáldar
JorunT: PC292291.jpg Street view of Gáldar
JorunT: PC292292.jpg Street view of Gáldar
JorunT: PC292294.jpg Street view of Gáldar
JorunT: PC292296.jpg Santa Lucia Gáldar
JorunT: PC292297.jpg Street view of Gáldar, Cultural Centre
JorunT: PC292299.jpg Looking into a private atrium, Gáldar
JorunT: PC292302.jpg Street view of Gáldar
JorunT: PC292303.jpg Street view of Gáldar
JorunT: PC292304.jpg Street view of Gáldar
JorunT: PC292305.jpg Window Gáldar