FigmentJedi: Star Destroyer
FigmentJedi: Tauntaun closeup
FigmentJedi: Landspeeder
FigmentJedi: Tie Fighter
FigmentJedi: Battle Droid Close-Up
FigmentJedi: Tusken Raider Mask
FigmentJedi: Carnivore Closeup
FigmentJedi: Glyptodont and Terror Bird (Flash)
FigmentJedi: Diplodocus stands tall
FigmentJedi: Diplodocus from balcony
FigmentJedi: Quetzalcuatlus wants out
FigmentJedi: Triceratops
FigmentJedi: Diplodocus and Stegosaurus
FigmentJedi: Stegosaurus
FigmentJedi: Star Wars: Where Science Meets Imagination
FigmentJedi: Landspeeder Back
FigmentJedi: Landspeeder Miniature
FigmentJedi: Vader's Star Destroyer
FigmentJedi: Leia and the Droids
FigmentJedi: Coverless C-3PO and Probe Droid
FigmentJedi: Stormtrooper
FigmentJedi: Glyptodont and Terror Bird
FigmentJedi: Fafnir the Triceratops
FigmentJedi: Grizzly
FigmentJedi: Sebulba's Pod
FigmentJedi: Walkers
FigmentJedi: Tuskens
FigmentJedi: Padme costume