clarista_: MDN
clarista_: Fennec
clarista_: Life would be easier if only we had the source code
clarista_: 01000110...
clarista_: No Life
clarista_: JS Conf
clarista_: Mozilla : there is no data, there is only Xul
clarista_: XKCD : sudo make me a sandwich
clarista_: I Love Free Software
clarista_: No bullshit
clarista_: Loading Memory...
clarista_: Penchez la tête à droite...
clarista_: Mozilla Service Week
clarista_: Double your drive space : delete Windows
clarista_: 1up
clarista_: If found, please return to the pub
clarista_: Zombies were dead people too
clarista_: Ion Monkey
clarista_: Firefox Flicks
clarista_: Many voices, one Mozilla
clarista_: Hack
clarista_: Jägermonkey
clarista_: P1170352
clarista_: Space Invaders
clarista_: I'm not slacking off. My code's compiling
clarista_: XKCD
clarista_: Webhamster
clarista_: Lapins Crétins
clarista_: Mozilla Labs
clarista_: Molécule de café