sandimacro: Fat and Fluffed Up Robin
sandimacro: Smudge B & W
sandimacro: Tikka B & W
sandimacro: Cygnet Profile
sandimacro: A Swaledale Sheep
sandimacro: Swaledale Sheep B & W
sandimacro: Marley The Staffy HDR....
sandimacro: You Coming With Me, Or Not?
sandimacro: Hoverfly on Buddliah, Macro
sandimacro: Barn Owl
sandimacro: An intense stare
sandimacro: Black Rhino
sandimacro: Meerkat
sandimacro: Marley The Staffy
sandimacro: Bumble Bee Macro
sandimacro: unlikely blue 4
sandimacro: Graceful Beauty