...... ethereal, exquisite, cultivated, discerning, superlative... so As to NOT upset Their Tummy
It Wasn't but 20 Minutes Before our Friend Rich Saved the Day !! by Fitting Some Old Kubota Lawnmower pulley To the Boy's John Deere tractor so It Won't Overheat
I Told Rich the Boy Can't Participate because His Fan Doesn't Work and I KNOW Rich has Some Spare Lawn Mower Parts in His Truck !!
Having Penned more Than Two Dozen articles For Beer Magazine, our Friend Andrew stopped by The Tent to Give Critical Review of an English Brew, shipped Directly Via Courier, from Manchester England
Gary Can't Figure out How Andrew can Switch back To Bud Light after Becoming the Most Consummate of Beer Critics (nearly a Snob) following His Discovery, and Critique of Boddington's Pub Ale