Aly1963: We love each other
Aly1963: Kissing Puffins
Aly1963: Come under my wing
Aly1963: Razor Blade
Aly1963: Proud parents
Aly1963: I am looking after you
Aly1963: Kissy kissy
Aly1963: Dinner time for this puffin
Aly1963: Will you share with us please
Aly1963: Puffin having a rest
Aly1963: Fish for tea
Aly1963: Puffin
Aly1963: What a catch
Aly1963: Puffin
Aly1963: Sea from Isle of May
Aly1963: Isle of May
Aly1963: Walk this way
Aly1963: Puffin
Aly1963: Isle of May
Aly1963: Sea from the cliffs at Isle of May
Aly1963: Isle of May rabbit
Aly1963: I'll look after you
Aly1963: Sea from Isle of May
Aly1963: Puffins
Aly1963: Can you feed us please
Aly1963: Peek boo
Aly1963: Crack in the cliff
Aly1963: I'm watching you
Aly1963: Look this way
Aly1963: Isle of May foghorn