CJ-Caroline: Piles of timber being air dried in the Sussex countryside
CJ-Caroline: Timber drying outdoors at Cocking Sawmills
CJ-Caroline: Cockings sawmills
CJ-Caroline: A sliced tree air drying outdoors
CJ-Caroline: Cabinet-maker trainees being shown round the yard
CJ-Caroline: Timber dries behind the warehouse at Cocking Sawmills
CJ-Caroline: Cabinet-maker trainees being shown round the yard
CJ-Caroline: Dried timber in the warehouse at Cockings
CJ-Caroline: David, Russell and Peter checking out the beech
CJ-Caroline: Russell's chestnut slice
CJ-Caroline: Russell's wee slice of chestnut
CJ-Caroline: Chainsawing the chestnut to a transportable size
CJ-Caroline: Loading Russell's mighty plank of chestnut