Jillandcamera: Hotel Bougainvillea.
Jillandcamera: Sharpshooter Nymph- Agrosoma placetis
Jillandcamera: Fly on nice flower.
Jillandcamera: Beetle.
Jillandcamera: Shield Bug of some sort. Late instar.
Jillandcamera: Butterfly
Jillandcamera: Skipper Butterfly
Jillandcamera: Silver Argiope
Jillandcamera: Tree Hopper
Jillandcamera: Treehopper. Aetalionidae family.
Jillandcamera: Little Frog.
Jillandcamera: Social wasps on their nest.
Jillandcamera: Dutchmans Pipe
Jillandcamera: Striped Beetle.
Jillandcamera: In for the kill
Jillandcamera: Leafhopper nymph.
Jillandcamera: Spider. ?
Jillandcamera: Leafhoppers.
Jillandcamera: Blue butterfly.
Jillandcamera: Green Spiny Lizard
Jillandcamera: Trogon Lodge.
Jillandcamera: Purple-throated Mountain-gem on Red Hot Poker.(f)
Jillandcamera: Bonking Weevils
Jillandcamera: Ground Anole
Jillandcamera: Leafhopper/Cicadellidae, Sharpshooter/Cicadellinae, Graphocephala sp., Graphocephala albomaculata
Jillandcamera: Collared Redstart
Jillandcamera: Acorn Woodpecker