Cate {S.}: Happy flowers!
Cate {S.}: Vintage Chic
Cate {S.}: Day 79: Delicate Madness
Cate {S.}: Letters from home...
Cate {S.}: Day 81: Vintage Rose
Cate {S.}: Day 76: Finally it's Spring!
Cate {S.}: Shakespeare, Longfellow, and a little yellow daffodil.
Cate {S.}: Longfellow and Daffodils
Cate {S.}: Day 74: Home again
Cate {S.}: Delicate
Cate {S.}: Yarn Unraveled
Cate {S.}: Girl time
Cate {S.}: Pop of pink!
Cate {S.}: Day 55: A Slice of Life {explored~thank you!!}
Cate {S.}: Day 56: Tiny Dancer
Cate {S.}: Day 23: Tea time!
Cate {S.}: Day 25: Jamestown: The "Godspeed"
Cate {S.}: Flowers 018 2
Cate {S.}: Day 24: Earth laughs in flowers
Cate {S.}: Cup o' tea!
Cate {S.}: Day 82: Earth laughs in flowers: revisited
Cate {S.}: Day 84: Little bit of sunshine
Cate {S.}: Day 83: Light reading