daniel_pintilie: welcome to the machine !
daniel_pintilie: nostalgia
daniel_pintilie: silencemeter
daniel_pintilie: old sanatory floorscape
daniel_pintilie: light priority
daniel_pintilie: prior to...
daniel_pintilie: nostalgia
daniel_pintilie: to assemble the past
daniel_pintilie: Welcome to the machine that once was !
daniel_pintilie: Black and White
daniel_pintilie: one missing
daniel_pintilie: machinery resting habits
daniel_pintilie: somewhere in Italy on a foggy day...
daniel_pintilie: faraway trains are passing by...
daniel_pintilie: ...out there...
daniel_pintilie: it's silent out there...
daniel_pintilie: right here !
daniel_pintilie: right now !
daniel_pintilie: Country road (from the series "vehicles")