Rosewoman: Children, Jerusalem.
Rosewoman: The red flag of the secular Socialist-Zionist youth movement ha-Shomer ha-Tza'ir proudly decorates the gate to Kibbutz Shomrat, May Day, 1985
Rosewoman: Wild oregano in Galilee
Rosewoman: Gate, Kibbutz Shomrat
Rosewoman: Library, meeting rooms, and beautiful roses, Kibbutz Shomrat
Rosewoman: Then-new residential construction, Kibbutz Shomrat. I stayed in top floor, left, as a guest of the kibbutz.
Rosewoman: Ottoman aqueduct, now on Kibbutz Shomrat's northern boundary, built to bring water to Acre/Akko.
Rosewoman: Kibbutz Shomrat. A section of the Ottoman aqueduct.
Rosewoman: Hitch-hiking soldiers or kibbutz volunteers? I can't remember.
Rosewoman: John Deere cotton picker, Kibbutz Shomrat
Rosewoman: "Kibbutz Shomrat, 5738". Foundation mosaic for the new kibbutz library building, 1978.
Rosewoman: Avocados were a major cash crop on Kibbutz Shomrat. Working in the avocados was hard work.
Rosewoman: Our friend Gidon at work in the dairy, Kibbutz Shomrat
Rosewoman: Bales of hay, Kibbutz Shomrat
Rosewoman: Memorial to Western Galilee's fallen, Yom ha-Zikaron/Day of Remembrance, Haifa (?)
Rosewoman: One of those gigantic bales
Rosewoman: Soaker hose irrigation beng laid in an orchard
Rosewoman: Hoopoes were colorful, friendly neighbors on the kibbutz. I was hoping that this was one. But now it looks like a small raptor instead. Maybe someone can identify it.
Rosewoman: My friend on the kibbutz
Rosewoman: Kibbutz Shomrat friends on a hummus run to Fy's ("Fa'iz") shop in Akko
Rosewoman: Looking down, way down, from a trail to the valley below, Upper Galilee.
Rosewoman: Natural limestone bridge, Upper Galilee
Rosewoman: Spring of the Banyas (Banias / Banyas al-Hulah / ancient Paneas) River at the foot of Mount Hermon, Upper Galilee.
Rosewoman: "A Christian sanctuary dedicated to St George – whom the Muslims called al-Khidr (the ‘green one’) – was built above the [Banias] grotto; later, it was converted into a mosque. Today it is maintained by the local Syrian Druze people of the Golan."
Rosewoman: Ancient hills, Upper Galilee
Rosewoman: My friend at Akko
Rosewoman: My friend in Jerusalem
Rosewoman: Joel and Kate at Kibbutz Rosh ha-Nikra
Rosewoman: Joel and me among the bananot, taken by Kate.
Rosewoman: Joel among the bananas