UE-Photography - urban exploration & travel:
entrance gate
UE-Photography - urban exploration & travel:
the way into the unknown
UE-Photography - urban exploration & travel:
come on stage
UE-Photography - urban exploration & travel:
silent corridors
UE-Photography - urban exploration & travel:
upstairs there is also not comfortable
UE-Photography - urban exploration & travel:
two are left
UE-Photography - urban exploration & travel:
green vs grey
UE-Photography - urban exploration & travel:
can you hear the scream
UE-Photography - urban exploration & travel:
the way up goes down
UE-Photography - urban exploration & travel:
the heavy wooden door
UE-Photography - urban exploration & travel:
sweet redhead sleeping
UE-Photography - urban exploration & travel:
cell block east
UE-Photography - urban exploration & travel:
Sleeping Beauty's castle or your worst nightmare?