leistus: DSC01616
leistus: Urban cloister
leistus: Jurys Inn
leistus: Homage to unilever
leistus: Regency Wharf
leistus: Hyatt Regency
leistus: The Library of Birmingham (in the Hyatt)
leistus: The cube
leistus: The Cube
leistus: Holliday Street
leistus: Brindley Place
leistus: Cube
leistus: The Cube
leistus: The Cube
leistus: Grand Central
leistus: Grand Central
leistus: Grand Central
leistus: Grand Central / New Street
leistus: Selfridges
leistus: JFK Mural
leistus: JFK mural
leistus: Lift to the light
leistus: Piccadilly arcade
leistus: Hyatt Regency
leistus: Riding the light fantastic
leistus: Shakespeare memorial room
leistus: Shakespeare memorial room
leistus: Down the plug
leistus: The Hyatt Regency
leistus: The Library of Birmingham