drvs: On the Fred Meijer Trail
drvs: The Fred Meijer Trail
drvs: Broad Expanses across flat land
drvs: beutiful Sunny day with very comfortable tmps in the low 70
drvs: Helloooo Ladies
drvs: Blue haze over the landscape
drvs: Goldenrod in full bloom
drvs: Various groups along the way offer some great food and hydration. The communities and there support is big part of what makes the DALMAC the wonderful time that it is.....
drvs: A sand outcrop
drvs: Muskegon River on a beutify sunny day
drvs: Muskegon River Crossing
drvs: Crossing the Muskegon River
drvs: Headlights portend a weather change
drvs: Waloon Lake looking south
drvs: The clouds simply add to wonderment to these precious moments
drvs: Muskegon River high water along its banks
drvs: 2013 DALMAC
drvs: Northern end of Torch Lake...headed for Belaire
drvs: Clouds gather as we head northeast out of Belaire
drvs: Arriving in Belaire Tourists shop
drvs: The sun defused through the clouds most of the day
drvs: Boats heading toward the Marinas
drvs: The clarity of the water allows the obserever to see the sandy botttom several feet below the surface
drvs: A lot of boats returning to their marina
drvs: Boats seem to be suspended
drvs: Northern Michigan a throw back in time
drvs: The sky goes from threatening to beautiful
drvs: Summer haze across the landscape
drvs: Hazy conditions temp is rising
drvs: Heading North of Belaire clouds appers to be drifting eastward