Steve J Makin: Starting point of the cadair Idris walk
Steve J Makin: Games room frolics
Steve J Makin: Games room frolics
Steve J Makin: Games room frolics
Steve J Makin: Games room frolics
Steve J Makin: Games room frolics
Steve J Makin: The never ending descent
Steve J Makin: 2 little tea pots short and stout
Steve J Makin: Jurgen, conserving his oxygen
Steve J Makin: John makes the summit
Steve J Makin: Steve summiting
Steve J Makin: Geoff summiting
Steve J Makin: John "mountain man" Wilky
Steve J Makin: Phil taking it all in his stride
Steve J Makin: Steve "Vertigo" Moss
Steve J Makin: Chris "low loader" Hough
Steve J Makin: Geoff looking for the summit
Steve J Makin: Keven "the athlete" Taylor
Steve J Makin: Ian "5th Dan" Kennedy
Steve J Makin: Al "chewing a wasp" Murtagh
Steve J Makin: Jurgen "I'll just stop for a few photographs"
Steve J Makin: How much further ?
Steve J Makin: "and I said to him, if you dont stop now..."
Steve J Makin: view from the house
Steve J Makin: Stable door
Steve J Makin: Stable door
Steve J Makin: view from the house
Steve J Makin: The drive
Steve J Makin: clear water, but not clean enough to drink
Steve J Makin: half way view