Uta Wolke: Squirrel monkey
Uta Wolke: Red Ruffed Lemur
Uta Wolke: a lemur's eyes
Uta Wolke: Fall in Katta-land
Uta Wolke: Katta face
Uta Wolke: spider monkey in the evening sun
Uta Wolke: furry
Uta Wolke: birds in love
Uta Wolke: birds in love
Uta Wolke: manicure
Uta Wolke: dressed for the ladies
Uta Wolke: cattle egret
Uta Wolke: gone
Uta Wolke: silent monks
Uta Wolke: Bruges confidence
Uta Wolke: tied
Uta Wolke: sweet times in Belgium
Uta Wolke: these Belgians...
Uta Wolke: dropped
Uta Wolke: through clouds
Uta Wolke: beauty of the last day