Blue NoBird:
Paths, Central Park
Blue NoBird:
Central Park
Blue NoBird:
New York
Blue NoBird:
Central Park West
Blue NoBird:
New "pencil" building
Blue NoBird:
Central Park
Blue NoBird:
Blue NoBird:
Central Park
Blue NoBird:
Bethesda Fountain
Blue NoBird:
Central Park
Blue NoBird:
Central Park
Blue NoBird:
Bethesda Fountain
Blue NoBird:
Looking toward Central Park West
Blue NoBird:
Boat Basin, Central Park
Blue NoBird:
Central Park
Blue NoBird:
Central Park theater
Blue NoBird:
Central Park
Blue NoBird:
Shakespeare Garden
Blue NoBird:
Shakespeare Garden, Central Park
Blue NoBird:
Ferns at Shakespeare Garden
Blue NoBird:
Central Park
Blue NoBird:
Tall new buildings south of the Park
Blue NoBird:
Central Park South from the Lake
Blue NoBird:
Blue NoBird:
Central Park South from the Lake
Blue NoBird:
Turtles and geese at Central Park
Blue NoBird:
Central Park West from the Lake
Blue NoBird:
New tall buildings from the lake
Blue NoBird:
The Lake and Central Park West
Blue NoBird:
Allium? Central Park