Blue NoBird:
Street south of Amiens Cathedral
Blue NoBird:
Poster of World War I soldiers, I suspect Australian or NZ
Blue NoBird:
Blue NoBird:
Blue NoBird:
Blue NoBird:
Porch of south transept, Amiens Cathedral, old houses in the shelter of the Cathedral
Blue NoBird:
Amiens Cathedral
Blue NoBird:
HDR Amiens Cathedral
Blue NoBird:
Blue NoBird:
Choir, Amiens Cathedral. Photo used for HDR.
Blue NoBird:
Choir, Amiens Cathedral.
Blue NoBird:
North Transept Window, Amiens
Blue NoBird:
Blue NoBird:
Blue NoBird:
Looking up into the choir, Amiens
Blue NoBird:
Blue NoBird:
Amiens cathedral choir, single photo
Blue NoBird:
Amiens Cathedral, HDR windows in nave
Blue NoBird:
Amiens Cathedral, nave windows with flying buttresses behind
Blue NoBird:
Amiens cathedral, view across transept
Blue NoBird:
Amiens Cathedral nave HDR
Blue NoBird:
Amiens Cathedral nave
Blue NoBird:
Nave, Amiens Cathedral
Blue NoBird:
Nave, Amiens Cathedral.
Blue NoBird:
Amiens Cathedral Choir, HDR
Blue NoBird:
Amiens Cathedral
Blue NoBird:
Amiens Cathedral
Blue NoBird:
Amiens Cathedral
Blue NoBird:
Amiens Cathedral
Blue NoBird:
Amiens Cathedral, memorial chapel (note flags)