Blue NoBird:
Old St Paul's Cathedral
Blue NoBird:
Old St Paul's Cathedral restroom
Blue NoBird:
Old St Paul's Cathedral restroom
Blue NoBird:
Back side, New Zealand Anglican Pension Board
Blue NoBird:
Gutter drain system old St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral
Blue NoBird:
Blue NoBird:
(New) St. Paul's Anglican Cathedral
Blue NoBird:
Blue NoBird:
Parliament library, Wellington
Blue NoBird:
Glowing rising bollards
Blue NoBird:
Blue NoBird:
Former bank building, downtown Welllington NZ
Blue NoBird:
Bluebridge South Island ferry,
Blue NoBird:
Harbour art
Blue NoBird:
Jack Dunn figure, Gallipolli exhibit, Te Papa
Blue NoBird:
Jack Dunn caption, Te Papa
Blue NoBird:
Lighting a car for an evening car show event at Te Papa
Blue NoBird:
The Workshop picture framer
Blue NoBird:
New Zealand Rugby House
Blue NoBird:
The Workshop picture framer
Blue NoBird:
Wellington art sign
Blue NoBird:
Cuba Street
Blue NoBird:
Nikau sculputre
Blue NoBird:
Boatshed, Wellington harbour
Blue NoBird:
Rowing Club in Wellington
Blue NoBird:
Serpentine rock at Te Papa
Blue NoBird:
Canoe carving
Blue NoBird:
Waterfront, central Wellington
Blue NoBird:
Waterfront, central Wellington
Blue NoBird:
Painter label