Blue NoBird:
South Beach
Blue NoBird:
Sunlit water, retrieving (I think) a bodyboard
Blue NoBird:
Doing a 360.
Blue NoBird:
Getting started
Blue NoBird:
Cumulus over ocean
Blue NoBird:
Poor lighting, but decent wave
Blue NoBird:
Getting kinda dark
Blue NoBird:
A taped Lost board. You can see it near the nose.
Blue NoBird:
Drop knee.
Blue NoBird:
Same wave
Blue NoBird:
More drop knee
Blue NoBird:
The Big Cloud, dissipating
Blue NoBird:
More in the darkening water.
Blue NoBird:
Reflection off big, brightly lighted cloud
Blue NoBird:
Poor light, good face
Blue NoBird:
Continuing the good face
Blue NoBird:
Paddlin' in the gloamin'
Blue NoBird:
Above, there's a big cloud reflecting lots of light
Blue NoBird:
Big glow-making cloud