Blue NoBird: P7040197.jpg
Blue NoBird: Eplc Don Herman 'buttercup'
Blue NoBird: Side yard path
Blue NoBird: New coontie bed, front yare
Blue NoBird: Big pot, glued back together
Blue NoBird: Broken pot, re-glued.
Blue NoBird: The big Vriesea imperialis bromeliad
Blue NoBird: P7040186.jpg
Blue NoBird: P7040185.jpg
Blue NoBird: P7040184.jpg
Blue NoBird: Maclellanara 'Yellow star'
Blue NoBird: New Dioon leaves poking out of coontie bed
Blue NoBird: White caladiums are where coonties were removed.
Blue NoBird: Alcantarea odorata
Blue NoBird: Alcantarea odorata
Blue NoBird: Transplanted coonties
Blue NoBird: P6180033.jpg
Blue NoBird: Coonties and rain lilies, back yard
Blue NoBird: Neoregelia 'king's ransom'
Blue NoBird: Squirrel in Archontophoenix tuckeri palm
Blue NoBird: Alcanatarea odorata bromeliad flower stalk
Blue NoBird: Habranthus rain lilies
Blue NoBird: Fake flowers from Rustables
Blue NoBird: Base of young live oak
Blue NoBird: Neoregelia cruenta, red form
Blue NoBird: Alcantarea odorata flower stalks
Blue NoBird: Young live oak
Blue NoBird: Crown of Archontophoenix tuckeri
Blue NoBird: Alcantarea imperialis
Blue NoBird: Small coontie flushing with new leaves