orbora78: 001 History
orbora78: 002 First Avenue
orbora78: 003 The Travellers Hotel
orbora78: 004 Front View The Travellers Hotel
orbora78: 005 The Sutherland Block
orbora78: 006 The Sutherland Block
orbora78: 007 Island Hotel Est. 1900
orbora78: 008 Island Hotel Sign
orbora78: 009 One of many benches around town
orbora78: 010 Remembering the Coal Miners
orbora78: 011 Another old building
orbora78: 012 The J. Cochrane Building
orbora78: Old building Originally Johnson's Shoes, First Avenue, Ladysmith, B.C.
orbora78: 014 Clock
orbora78: 015 Info re Clock
orbora78: 016 Built in 1904
orbora78: The Temperance Hotel, First Avenue, Ladysmith, B.C.
orbora78: Frontview of The Termperance Hotel, Ladysmith, B.C.
orbora78: Pretty corner, First Avenue, Ladysmith, B.C.
orbora78: 020 Ladysmith Inn
orbora78: Statue outside Ladysmith Animal Hospital, First Avenue, Ladysmith, B.C.
orbora78: Eagles Hall First Avenue, Ladysmith, British Columbia
orbora78: Bull Block, Ladysmith, British Columbia
orbora78: Info re Bull Block, Ladysmith, B.C.
orbora78: Modern building, First Avenue, Ladysmith, B.C.
orbora78: Veterans Way to the Cenotaph, Ladysmith, British Columbia
orbora78: 1914-18 War Memorial, Ladysmith, British Columbia
orbora78: 1939-45 War Memorial, Ladysmith, British Columbia
orbora78: Korea 1950-53 War Memorial, Ladysmith, B.C.
orbora78: The Canadian Merchant Navy 1914-18, 1939-45,1950-53 War Memorial, Ladysmith, British Columbia