Phil Reilly, Boston:
ATTR higher video wall- wide
Phil Reilly, Boston:
ATTR higher video wall- tight
Phil Reilly, Boston:
ATTR v2.0 animation
Phil Reilly, Boston:
ATTR v2.0 center house wide
Phil Reilly, Boston:
ATTR v2.0 cam view center stage
Phil Reilly, Boston:
ATTR v2.0 cam view of platform HR
Phil Reilly, Boston:
ATTR v2.0 orch pit wide
Phil Reilly, Boston:
ATTR v2.0 cam view of platform HL
Phil Reilly, Boston:
ATTR v2.0 performers view of conductor in pit
Phil Reilly, Boston:
ATTR 2.0 overhead platfrom from SL
Phil Reilly, Boston:
ATTR v2.0 view from SL wings
Phil Reilly, Boston:
ATTR v2.0 HR medium stage
Phil Reilly, Boston:
ATTR v2.0 HL view full stage
Phil Reilly, Boston:
ATTR v2.0 two men w flame
Phil Reilly, Boston:
ATTR v2.0 top plan w dimensions