Phil Reilly, Boston: woodgrain table
Phil Reilly, Boston: GB wide Velcro signage
Phil Reilly, Boston: comfy chairs and loveseat
Phil Reilly, Boston: brushed aluminum/ gloss black desk
Phil Reilly, Boston: Note: this desk is now brushed aluminum with black top
Phil Reilly, Boston: corporate panel with audience
Phil Reilly, Boston: Triangles, oval riser and monitors are GBH items
Phil Reilly, Boston: oval riser and chairs are available, not the set.
Phil Reilly, Boston: Audience seating WGBH
Phil Reilly, Boston: example of Zoom riser system
Phil Reilly, Boston: TEDx empty seats
Phil Reilly, Boston: TEDx atrium and studio seating
Phil Reilly, Boston: Senate debate 2020 jib 2
Phil Reilly, Boston: corporate panel with uplighting
Phil Reilly, Boston: corporate presenters with lighted panels behind them
Phil Reilly, Boston: example of Zoom riser system
Phil Reilly, Boston: conversation table with milked plexi in center
Phil Reilly, Boston: Charlie Rose table
Phil Reilly, Boston: dark wood/ gloss black top table seats up to 5
Phil Reilly, Boston: Insight stage right
Phil Reilly, Boston: Audience seating floor level
Phil Reilly, Boston: corporate presenters at standard tables
Phil Reilly, Boston: ice cube trays
Phil Reilly, Boston: simple riser with corporate presenters, oval coffee table