Phil Reilly, Boston: Yo-Yo Ma and Emmanuel Ax V 1.0
Phil Reilly, Boston: Yo-Yo and Manny wide 1
Phil Reilly, Boston: Yo-Yo and Manny wide ots 1
Phil Reilly, Boston: Yo-Yo medium looking at Ax
Phil Reilly, Boston: Ax medium looking at Yo-Yo
Phil Reilly, Boston: two shot Yo-Yo smiles
Phil Reilly, Boston: wide Ax gestures
Phil Reilly, Boston: tight Ax gestures w index fingers
Phil Reilly, Boston: Yo-Yo Ma performance using temporary grid.
Phil Reilly, Boston: tight Ax smiles
Phil Reilly, Boston: wide Ax listens Yo-Yo gestures 2 hands
Phil Reilly, Boston: stacked Ax looks at Yo-Yo
Phil Reilly, Boston: cu keyboard
Phil Reilly, Boston: cu bow and strings