Phil Reilly, Boston: #WeMakeEvents social media campaign 2020
Phil Reilly, Boston: #WeMakeEvents social media campaign 2020
Phil Reilly, Boston: Atrium heart gobo 2
Phil Reilly, Boston: Mirrored bar back 1
Phil Reilly, Boston: Calderwood log tables
Phil Reilly, Boston: Olde street lamps, string lights & amber LEDs in lobby
Phil Reilly, Boston: Downton "store"
Phil Reilly, Boston: Backgrounds: uplight on black cyc
Phil Reilly, Boston: Atrium looking to studio
Phil Reilly, Boston: Fraser art display
Phil Reilly, Boston: High floral
Phil Reilly, Boston: DYS high wide red carpet
Phil Reilly, Boston: Celeb Series Boston: Brooklyn Rider
Phil Reilly, Boston: Celeb Series Boston: Brooklyn Rider
Phil Reilly, Boston: Mirrored bar front 1
Phil Reilly, Boston: Fraser panarama
Phil Reilly, Boston: To the (Fraser) lounge
Phil Reilly, Boston: Fraser studio ready
Phil Reilly, Boston: Grand in Fraser
Phil Reilly, Boston: High Society on 16'x20' stage
Phil Reilly, Boston: vintage string lights
Phil Reilly, Boston: Atrium towards Fraser
Phil Reilly, Boston: Mirrored bar front 2
Phil Reilly, Boston: Mirrored bar back 2
Phil Reilly, Boston: gels in wall sconces + gobos & china balls
Phil Reilly, Boston: WGBH Atrium
Phil Reilly, Boston: Plimouth human trees
Phil Reilly, Boston: Plimouth Plantation gala
Phil Reilly, Boston: Plimouth Plantation stars
Phil Reilly, Boston: Plimouth Plantation lectern