straubted: Lazarus Department Store Sign Window Dislay Sign….Wilkes-Barre, PA
straubted: Old Gulf Gas Station
straubted: Old Gulf Gas Station
straubted: US Navy Training Plane 1950s?
straubted: Boeing-Stearman
straubted: US Navy WWII Training Plane
straubted: St. Mary's Lithuanian R.C. Church
straubted: 50s Era Christmas Photocard
straubted: Straub's Cafe Action
straubted: My Dad at Work 1950s
straubted: Empress Ice Cream Signage
straubted: Graffiti on Abandoned Storefront….
straubted: Newsweek Rack
straubted: Store signage
straubted: Marlboro Cigarettes Decal
straubted: Kool Cigarettes Decal
straubted: King Edward Cigar Sign...
straubted: NY Daily News Decal
straubted: Abandoned Deli, Kingston, PA
straubted: Sloppy Joe's Cafe…...
straubted: St. Conrad's Front Exit
straubted: Panorama of St. Conrad's Bar Area
straubted: St. Conrad's Cocktail Tables
straubted: St. Conrad's Meeting Room...
straubted: R. Side of St. Conrad's
straubted: St. Conrad's Dartboard
straubted: Forgotten Champion Spark Plugs Sign….
straubted: Ridon Glass Co. Ashtray
straubted: Danger!
straubted: Defunct Wilkes-Barré, PA Newsstand