N.Clark: Pollen packer
N.Clark: Pollen leggings
N.Clark: Slacker
N.Clark: Shimmery wings
N.Clark: An unlikely visitor
N.Clark: Unexpected visitor
N.Clark: The chase is on
N.Clark: Busy Bee
N.Clark: Zinnia with visitor
N.Clark: A little brightness
N.Clark: Rose with two visitors
N.Clark: Prairie Clover with a visitor
N.Clark: Zinnia with a visitor
N.Clark: Checkered Lily with unwanted visitor
N.Clark: Hoverfly visiting a spiderwort
N.Clark: Breakfast time
N.Clark: Clouded Sulphur (Colias philodice)
N.Clark: Monarch and larkspur
N.Clark: Hollyhock with a visitor
N.Clark: Painted Lady
N.Clark: Rudbeckia with two visitors
N.Clark: Watch out, I'm coming for you!
N.Clark: Clouded Sulphur
N.Clark: Painted Lady
N.Clark: Leaf-cutter Bee
N.Clark: Hollyhock with visitor
N.Clark: Orange Sulphur (Colias eurytheme)
N.Clark: Pollinator at work
N.Clark: Eastern Band-winged Hoverfly
N.Clark: Tiny poser