N.Clark: A "nightmare bug" come true
N.Clark: Bright
N.Clark: A little thing
N.Clark: Touchy feely
N.Clark: NN Damselfly. ID anyone?
N.Clark: Thistle Stop Cafe
N.Clark: Aphid hunter
N.Clark: Happy Flyday
N.Clark: Buddies
N.Clark: Industrious
N.Clark: Bugs doing bug stuff
N.Clark: Baching it
N.Clark: Busy busy
N.Clark: Making Milkweed Beetles (Tetraopes tetrophthalmus)
N.Clark: Pollinator plus
N.Clark: Theatrical bug
N.Clark: Hoverfly (Eristalis intricarius)
N.Clark: Say cheese!
N.Clark: Diggin' in
N.Clark: Full load
N.Clark: Wasp laying an egg
N.Clark: Getting breakfast
N.Clark: Pale Green Assassin Bug Nymph (Zelus luridus)
N.Clark: Busy bee
N.Clark: Little bug
N.Clark: Bee and roses
N.Clark: Diggin' in
N.Clark: Bee and buds
N.Clark: Head first
N.Clark: Tattered but unstoppable