N.Clark: Feeding of Baby Pileated WPs
N.Clark: Grey Jay in the Bush
N.Clark: Where's Lunch - Pileated Woodpecker Babies - Dryocopus pileatus
N.Clark: I Choose to Look at You - Great Gray Owl - Strix nebulosa
N.Clark: Gray Jay - Perisoreous canadensis
N.Clark: Evening Grosbeak Male - Hesperiphona vespertina
N.Clark: Hairy Woodpecker-Picoides villosus
N.Clark: Blink and you'll miss me - Great Gray Owl - Strix nebulosa
N.Clark: Of Land and Sea
N.Clark: Canada Warbler Male - Wilsonia canadensis
N.Clark: The Hunt for Breakfast
N.Clark: Mantoo the Fledgling Gray Jay - Perisoreous canadensis
N.Clark: My Unexpected Gift - Gray Jay - Perisoreous canadensis
N.Clark: Portrait of a Gray Jay - Perisoreous canadensis
N.Clark: Gray Jay Fledgling - Perisoreous canadensis
N.Clark: Patiently Perched
N.Clark: Sweetness
N.Clark: American Bittern - Botaurus lentiginosus
N.Clark: American Three-toed Woodpecker (M) - Picoides dorsalis
N.Clark: Sharp-tailed Grouse Female (Typanuchus phasianellus
N.Clark: Purple Finch Male in Breeding Plumage (Carpodacus purpureous)
N.Clark: Baltimore Oriole Female (Icterus galbula)
N.Clark: American Tree Sparrow (Spizella arborea)
N.Clark: Pileated Woodpecker (M) - Dryocopus pileatus
N.Clark: Sanderling in breeding plumage (Calidris alba)
N.Clark: Eastern Kingbird (Tyrannus tyrannus)
N.Clark: I'm so happy the lady didn't use herbicides
N.Clark: Cape May Warbler Female (Dendroica tigrina)
N.Clark: Happy Holidays!
N.Clark: Hiding in the shadows