michaeledwardmarks: Sample Labels
michaeledwardmarks: Rolls of Labels
michaeledwardmarks: Serum Tubes and Crytoubes
michaeledwardmarks: Serum Tubes in Boxes
michaeledwardmarks: EDTA Tubes and Crytoubes
michaeledwardmarks: EDTA Tubes in Boxes
michaeledwardmarks: Smaller Cryotubes
michaeledwardmarks: Small Cryotubes boxed up
michaeledwardmarks: Cryoboxes packed up
michaeledwardmarks: Bags of Labels
michaeledwardmarks: Labels in Ziplock
michaeledwardmarks: Aliquoting transport medium
michaeledwardmarks: Treponemal POCT
michaeledwardmarks: Notes on the Treponematoses
michaeledwardmarks: Samples arrived from Solomon Islands
michaeledwardmarks: Frozen samples from survey
michaeledwardmarks: Making a master plate
michaeledwardmarks: Master plate of 81 samples for testing
michaeledwardmarks: Cruising on the boat
michaeledwardmarks: Cruising on the boat
michaeledwardmarks: Some of my research staff
michaeledwardmarks: Loading boat with study equipment
michaeledwardmarks: Research staff in Seghe
michaeledwardmarks: Kids in Jericho
michaeledwardmarks: Kids in Jericho 2