Ladygrey_Twinings: ha pak nai
Ladygrey_Twinings: a stroll with birds chirping all along
Ladygrey_Twinings: true colors
Ladygrey_Twinings: 貌不惊人但可以遍地生长
Ladygrey_Twinings: 远山浮岸
Ladygrey_Twinings: 互相欣赏,互不打扰
Ladygrey_Twinings: enjoyable aloneness
Ladygrey_Twinings: from the nearby fishing ponds--i'm not too sure
Ladygrey_Twinings: there are places better than this; unfortunately they are not really accessible (private-owned)
Ladygrey_Twinings: how this was taken
Ladygrey_Twinings: the moment
Ladygrey_Twinings: and enjoyed our own aloneness
Ladygrey_Twinings: and he was alone like me
Ladygrey_Twinings: confession of solitude
Ladygrey_Twinings: the twelfth night? the fifteenth-- 十五夜
Ladygrey_Twinings: 968 through the tunnel
Ladygrey_Twinings: the long lost blue sky
Ladygrey_Twinings: 968 in Sai Ying Pun