Ladygrey_Twinings: the toilets turned out to be a temporary shelter from rain
Ladygrey_Twinings: halfway towards our destination came a gust of wind and rain
Ladygrey_Twinings: Dou Dou is really enjoying strolling in the rain
Ladygrey_Twinings: Dou Dou and Joe 姐姐
Ladygrey_Twinings: Li and John and~~~底笛(the youngest in family)
Ladygrey_Twinings: Dou Dou playing with anything he could find on the way
Ladygrey_Twinings: He knows to put it back so that we won't take away the 'nutrients' of the Nature
Ladygrey_Twinings: He qickly fell in love with some other plants
Ladygrey_Twinings: Li and 老么
Ladygrey_Twinings: the guys--the most talkative, the loudest and the grown-up
Ladygrey_Twinings: Mom, stop! 妈妈~~停下!
Ladygrey_Twinings: 原来你也不知道。妈妈还说你知道很多~~
Ladygrey_Twinings: 这个吗~~我只认得一种蝴蝶~~
Ladygrey_Twinings: Joe姐姐这个是什么?