Ladygrey_Twinings: and I love to be cuddled by her
Ladygrey_Twinings: My sister Cocoa loves to cuddle me when sleeping
Ladygrey_Twinings: as always, i love jue's fingers, but the best moment is when i am nibbling jue's fingers and my sister is licking me
Ladygrey_Twinings: jue的手好温柔。。。也好好味
Ladygrey_Twinings: our new bed sheet
Ladygrey_Twinings: kiss on the forehead?
Ladygrey_Twinings: ready for another raid
Ladygrey_Twinings: target located
Ladygrey_Twinings: 乐咪,快点长大啊!
Ladygrey_Twinings: 超级大眼
Ladygrey_Twinings: 好舒服哦。。。
Ladygrey_Twinings: 好失望啊
Ladygrey_Twinings: disappointed...
Ladygrey_Twinings: are they still taking a nap?
Ladygrey_Twinings: where are they?
Ladygrey_Twinings: the next step...
Ladygrey_Twinings: looking for the best angle
Ladygrey_Twinings: It's about time...
Ladygrey_Twinings: 大头和小头
Ladygrey_Twinings: A Lok was in slumber until she/he heard the sound of the camera
Ladygrey_Twinings: a restful sunday
Ladygrey_Twinings: A Lok in deep thoughts
Ladygrey_Twinings: What is my cat thinking?