Ladygrey_Twinings: JMSC tools group pic
Ladygrey_Twinings: JMSC part-timers
Ladygrey_Twinings: JMSC group pic with visiting scholars from mainland
Ladygrey_Twinings: JMSC tools
Ladygrey_Twinings: Sam'e farewell party--the group (the one who sat with her back to the camera is Sam's elegant mom)
Ladygrey_Twinings: Sam's farewell party--our Sam
Ladygrey_Twinings: Sam's farewell party--Vivian smiling at me? Susan? or just pretended to be smiling?
Ladygrey_Twinings: Sam's farewell party--Sue pondering over the philosophical questions by William
Ladygrey_Twinings: and there is a hot guy behind us
Ladygrey_Twinings: girls at Angharad's farewell/Wendy's hand-over party
Ladygrey_Twinings: one of the jmsc poster pic with my dumb look
Ladygrey_Twinings: Angharad and Winnie
Ladygrey_Twinings: Me on the phone
Ladygrey_Twinings: Andrew Lih's farewell party at FCC
Ladygrey_Twinings: Winnie and Jue at Global Lounge
Ladygrey_Twinings: Anita--A rising nature photographer
Ladygrey_Twinings: bbq group pic
Ladygrey_Twinings: Jue and Yena
Ladygrey_Twinings: Our Beloved Will and Grinning Joe
Ladygrey_Twinings: sweet Victor and grinning Joe
Ladygrey_Twinings: super-star solo rehearsal
Ladygrey_Twinings: Bookworm/Joe French Fries
Ladygrey_Twinings: Hung sheng ye beach/Yena & Joe LOL
Ladygrey_Twinings: Hung Sheng Ye Beach/Vivian & Joe
Ladygrey_Twinings: Bookworm-teethpicking gang of nuts
Ladygrey_Twinings: Bookworm--so sorry for others who didn't really understand how much fun it was
Ladygrey_Twinings: Bookworm--Yena sipping apple juice