Gareth Richards.: L'autruche
Gareth Richards.: Weather Vane
Gareth Richards.: Afternoon in the Potager
Gareth Richards.: Afternoon light in the Old Potager
Gareth Richards.: Lavandula multifida
Gareth Richards.: Lavandula multifida
Gareth Richards.: Salvia garden
Gareth Richards.: Unexpected Harvest
Gareth Richards.: Just above the Guest House
Gareth Richards.: Just above the Guest House
Gareth Richards.: The Italian Garden
Gareth Richards.: Autumn meadow
Gareth Richards.: Crocus speciosus
Gareth Richards.: Crocus speciosus
Gareth Richards.: Under the kaki trees
Gareth Richards.: Under the kaki trees
Gareth Richards.: Under the kaki trees
Gareth Richards.: Musquée de Provençe
Gareth Richards.: Above the New Potager
Gareth Richards.: Above the New Potager
Gareth Richards.: After the fire ban was lifted