Neill Cameron: A is for... Aztecs in Atomic Armour Attacking Anomalous Amphibians
Neill Cameron: F is for... the Fantastic Four saving the Finnish Ambassador from Fred Flintstone, who's Flinging Flaming Fajitas at his Ford Fiesta
Neill Cameron: Y is for... stay at the YMCA, Yoda wishes he could, hrrrmmm?
Neill Cameron: E is for... Evil Edna Evolving Emu into an Educated Erudite
Neill Cameron: Z is for... ZZ Top Zapping Zombies
Neill Cameron: D is for... Doctor Who Defeating Doctor Doom in a Deadly Disco Dance-off
Neill Cameron: X is for... Xena eXperiencing Professor X's eXtravagant Xenophobia
Neill Cameron: C is for... Captain Britain Cuddling Cerebus
Neill Cameron: U is for... Uhura and Ultraman on a Unicorn, Underwater
Neill Cameron: B is for... Buffy Bravely Battling Beelzebub
Neill Cameron: W is for... Wolverine Wishing Wonder Woman Wasn't Wasted
Neill Cameron: V is for... Venom and Voltron Voguing on Vulcan
Neill Cameron: T is for... Tintin and a Timelord Taking Tea in Tibet
Neill Cameron: S is for... Sulu and Spiral Swashbuckling in Space
Neill Cameron: R is for... Ranma Regurgitating Ryoga's Ramen
Neill Cameron: Q is for... Q and Q reading Q
Neill Cameron: P is for... Peter Parker Playing Ping-Pong with Pikachu
Neill Cameron: O is for... Optimus Prime Obliterating Oompa Loompas
Neill Cameron: N is for... Nina and the Neurons Neutralising the Ninky-Nonk with Nitrogen
Neill Cameron: M is for... MODOK's Melancholy Mouseketeer Memories
Neill Cameron: L is for... Lois Lane, Lana Lang and Lori Lemaris Lasciviously Licking Lollipops at a London Landmark
Neill Cameron: K is for... KISS KING KONG
Neill Cameron: J is for... Joss. Just Joss.
Neill Cameron: I is for... Indiana Jones Inching away from an Inebriated Iron Man
Neill Cameron: H is for... Hagar the Horrible Hacking Hello Kitty in Half
Neill Cameron: G is for... Galactus Geeking out with his Glove puppets of Gundam and Godzilla
Neill Cameron: Neill Cameron's A-Z of Awesomeness
Neill Cameron: Zombie Poster ONSALENOW