Cornell SPIF: Dragon Day security arrives
Cornell SPIF: Getting temporary tattoos from Dragon Crew
Cornell SPIF: Chatting with Security
Cornell SPIF: Runners announce the Dragon
Cornell SPIF: More runners
Cornell SPIF: Dragon Day attire
Cornell SPIF: First appearance of the Dragon
Cornell SPIF: The Dragon approaches
Cornell SPIF: ... and closer ...
Cornell SPIF: Mouth agape
Cornell SPIF: Walls going up
Cornell SPIF: ... as the Dragon appears about to chomp a tree ...
Cornell SPIF: The Department of the Fence
Cornell SPIF: Nice day for dragon watching
Cornell SPIF: DSC00470
Cornell SPIF: Quite a stack o'boxes
Cornell SPIF: Sign commonly seen on campus
Cornell SPIF: Who ya gonna call?
Cornell SPIF: Beauty and beast
Cornell SPIF: Dragon, handlers and well-wishers
Cornell SPIF: Coming down to our level
Cornell SPIF: Dragon makes its way past Goldwin Smith Hall
Cornell SPIF: DSC00478
Cornell SPIF: Dragon passes us by
Cornell SPIF: Very shiny
Cornell SPIF: Dragon approaches Duffield Hall - Phoenix
Cornell SPIF: Phoenix Society display in Duffield Hall
Cornell SPIF: The Phoenix behind Engineering Quad trees
Cornell SPIF: Observing Dragon observers
Cornell SPIF: Cool Hat Luke