srsldy: dubious
srsldy: dubious too
srsldy: dad
srsldy: Highway 101 Over the Rogue River/Boat Windshield
srsldy: IMG_2668
srsldy: Rogue River/Boat Windshield
srsldy: Bald Eagle
srsldy: Old Hwy. 101
srsldy: Dinosaur Tree
srsldy: Rogue River
srsldy: Now I'm Sold
srsldy: Whoever you are, no matter how lonely/the world offers itself to your imagination,/calls to you like wild geese, harsh and exciting--/over and over announcing your place/in the family of things.
srsldy: Me and Sapphy
srsldy: Kelley
srsldy: Kite, Alki Beach
srsldy: Requisite Feet Shot
srsldy: Kelley, Cadi, John
srsldy: cadi spiral
srsldy: kelley spiral
srsldy: view from kelley's driveway
srsldy: Cadi, Gas Works Park
srsldy: Cadi and the Troll
srsldy: this photo opportunity belongs to all