Ironsniper: Greyhound and Insect
~­Ian: Isaac Clarke
Baby Shifty: "Twisted Shadow" Little Shadow by Ashley Wood & Bendy by Kaws
Andrew Colunga: The New Ones
Giant Hamburger: Easter Chickenmech
Cris Rose: "Bellicose-End Bunny" - Custom 7" Bellicose Bunny and "Raygun"
Cris Rose: Unique Observers
retinence: Transformers: Size comparisons
Ironsniper: Greyhound Unit_00 Strike Team
babyvtec: Rayola piece by @deadzebra.
Legohaulic: Urban Operative
onosendai2600: Groupkomas
m_o_n_k_e_y: M92946 'Rancor'
Cole Blaq: Alakuneda Think Tank [2012-edit]
Legohaulic: Flower Power
FateHeart: R-26b Doshka II Heavy Tank
Vince_Toulouse: district9-01
-infomaniac-: Need a new Lego Project?
legosamurai: WIP - Oceanic Hardsuit ?
[Renegade]: Melrose - 2029
Siercon and Coral: Eilonwy (Amethyst Unicorn)
Rylie Howerter: Death Cab for Cutie – Transatlanticism
2007_Boy: The Warehouse Attendant, Part Two
Freedom01: The Union - LKr-01 Jenice
Freedom01: The Union - LKr-01 Jenice
peggyjdb: Temple of Jugatinus