S V Giles: {20:365}
S V Giles: {16:365}
S V Giles: {15:365}
S V Giles: [14:365}
S V Giles: ...my first snowdrops...
S V Giles: {13:365}
S V Giles: {12:365}
S V Giles: {11:365}
S V Giles: {8:365}
S V Giles: ...the dullest day...
S V Giles: {7:365}
S V Giles: ...only three days to go...
S V Giles: ...the mushroom and the sparkly tree...
S V Giles: ...and of course, there were mushrooms...
S V Giles: ...and I picked these blackberries...
S V Giles: ...there were some acorns...
S V Giles: ...ladybird...
S V Giles: And the tree....
S V Giles: And we found a poppy field x
S V Giles: ...today...
S V Giles: ...siblings...
S V Giles: ...found in the archive...
S V Giles: ...rocks...
S V Giles: ...can you ever have enough snowdrops?
S V Giles: ...a collection...
S V Giles: ...a closed sign...
S V Giles: ...a reflection...
S V Giles: ...in the land of giants...
S V Giles: ...snowdrops...
S V Giles: ...spring is on it's way...