Maxx W: Dandelion 1
Maxx W: Scilla siberica (Rysk blåstjärna) 2
Maxx W: Anemone nemorosa 3
Maxx W: Daffodil 2
Maxx W: They live by the stream 4
Maxx W: They live by the stream 3
Maxx W: They live by the stream 2
Maxx W: They live by the stream 1
Maxx W: Anemone test 4, final!
Maxx W: Daffodil 1
Maxx W: Coltsfoot 3 (Tussilago farfara)
Maxx W: Anemone nemorosa (Vitsippa) 1
Maxx W: Coltsfoot 2
Maxx W: Coltsfoot 1
Maxx W: Scilla siberica (Rysk blåstjärna) 1
Maxx W: Signs of spring 7
Maxx W: Crocus 4
Maxx W: Crocus 3
Maxx W: Crocus 2
Maxx W: Crocus 1
Maxx W: Signs of spring 8
Maxx W: Signs of spring 6
Maxx W: Signs of spring 5
Maxx W: Signs of spring 4
Maxx W: Poinsettia, Julstjärna
Maxx W: Flower / herb 1
Maxx W: Flower 2
Maxx W: The heart of a dandelion
Maxx W: Oxalis acetosella
Maxx W: Blueberry flower