xaviergardens: Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Michael Barnett and Dianne Martinez, Emeryville Councilmember; Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Hercules Councimember Myrna De Vera is near the top of the stairs; Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Champagne Brown, on right; Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Royce Kelley, former Region 5 Director, California Democratic Party; Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Jennifer Siebel Newsom; Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Jennifer Siebel Newsom; Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Gavin and Buffy
xaviergardens: Gavin and Buffy