peabus: Vendor Display Case
peabus: 1952 Ford Pickup
peabus: Vendor Table
peabus: 1945 Dodge Pickup
peabus: Antique Toaster
peabus: 1965 Chevy Pickup
peabus: The Zagray Homestead with Show Tractor
peabus: 1942 Ford Pickup
peabus: State Hi-Way Dept Anitique Toys
peabus: "Display Area Antique Cars and Trucks Only"
peabus: Truck Enthusiast
peabus: Antique Fire Apparatus
peabus: Fordson
peabus: QVEA Garden Dedication Plaque
peabus: QVEA Garden
peabus: 1941 GMC Tow Truck Rear
peabus: 1941 GMC Tow Truck
peabus: Unit Shovel
peabus: Vendor's Antique Bicycles
peabus: Edsel
peabus: Buffalo Springfield Roller and Dodge Pickup
peabus: GMC Connecticut Forest Fire Service
peabus: Kids and Tractors