thebearfootbaker: Love Note Snowman
thebearfootbaker: Little Old Snowmen
thebearfootbaker: Let it snow Snowman
thebearfootbaker: Let it!
thebearfootbaker: Assembly Required!
thebearfootbaker: Assembly Required!
thebearfootbaker: Just Add Snow!
thebearfootbaker: The BIG Guys!
thebearfootbaker: Dressed for WInter
thebearfootbaker: Dressed for WInter
thebearfootbaker: Frosty Hat!
thebearfootbaker: The Christmas set for the co-workers
thebearfootbaker: Santa and his Frosty Friends
thebearfootbaker: Big Sweater Snowman
thebearfootbaker: Frosty, Santa and Buddy the Elf
thebearfootbaker: Homemade Altoid Mints
thebearfootbaker: Snowman Hat Tree Topper
thebearfootbaker: Rice Krispie Teat Snowmen
thebearfootbaker: Snow DAY Cookies