philstillman: ArchieBrain2010
philstillman: President's Table
philstillman: Rounding The Turn
philstillman: Watching Tradition
philstillman: Dr. Bill
philstillman: Gaylynne and Siggie
philstillman: At the Stables
philstillman: Street Scene Addis
philstillman: Neighborhood Addis
philstillman: Triage Gaylynne
philstillman: Team Photo Butajera
philstillman: Judy Siggie Roggie Kids
philstillman: Merkato
philstillman: Peppers Enseno Market
philstillman: Riding Share-Taxi
philstillman: Sally Roggie Pharmacy
philstillman: Phil Mimi Sinidu Elfign
philstillman: Netela Addis Gebeya
philstillman: Luggage SFO Phil Siggie
philstillman: Katherine Gaylynne Atmit
philstillman: Deworming Line
philstillman: Clinic Building Enseno
philstillman: Olsen Memorial Hospital
philstillman: Bird Enset Tuckal
philstillman: Sarah's Babies
philstillman: Back of the Bus Facemasks
philstillman: Road to Bui
philstillman: Arlene Dobashi
philstillman: Phil Donkey Roggie
philstillman: Washing Up Roggie School Kids